
Susanna Aarnio 

Susanna Aarnio is a shaman, comparative religionist, lamenter and rune singer, professional wildlife and nature photographer and artist.  Aarnio, together with her mentor and shaman Johannes Setälä, founded and currently head The Centre For Finno-Ugric and Arctic Shamanism.

Susanna works and teaches intensively together with Setälä, who has been named the Guardian of the Northern Shaman Fire. In 2009, Johannes inaugurated Susanna as his successor in his shamanic legacy and work.

Susanna teaches Finno-Ugric and Arctic shamanism, arranges workshops, lectures and courses on Finnish spiritual heritage and the Kalevala sage tradition, leads courses on the making of traditional Finno-Ugric drums, the singing of runes and laments and nature photography.

Susanna Aarnio studied comparative religion and botany at the University of Helsinki, and is a founding member of the Society for Northern Ethnography.

Susanna Aarnio is mother of four. She has healer roots in her Savonian-Karelian-Norwegian family tree.

Susanna Aarnio on Shamanic Rituals 

Johannes Setälä

Johannes Setälä is a shaman, visual artist and art teacher from Lohja Island. Johannes has been in contact with his ancestors, shamans, witches and Sages all his life. His shamanic initiation began in the 1960s. In his twenties, in the beginning of his initiation period, he received as his teacher Old Ugri, a shaman from Siberia, Already in the spirit world, Old Ugri initiated John into the tradition of Finno-Ugric shamanism. From there, John moved on to study Finnish and Kalevalaic sages and it is on this long shamanic path that Johannes has served Finns for the past 50 years.

Over the years, John has helped and healed those in need, organized public and private rituals, taught future healers and artists, and brought new life to Kalevalaic art and sculpture. He has written extensively on our Kalevalaic legacy.

Also Johannes is known as a versatile artist and a social critic, who has through his art presented us with the threat of the destruction of Mother Earth herself and the blindness and greed of man. As a shaman, Johannes is forced to filter and feel the pain and Imbalance of the world through his body and mind, yet his work and teaching embody deep compassion, love and connection to humans, animals and indeed all forms of nature. In 1996, Johannes was inaugurated as the Guardian of the Shaman Fire of the North by indigenous shamans.

Dalva Lamminmäki

Dalva Lamminmäki is a healer in the tradition of Finno-Ugric shamanism.  She traces her lineage to the ancient practices of the Karelia area of Finland, where she has ancestral ties.  As a child in the countryside, she developed a very close spiritual kinship with nature and remembers times when she conversed with animals and birds.  Then as now, she thinks of nature as a living element.  

When Dalva was 18 years old, she made her first shamanic drum journey, but it was not until later that she realised she had always lived within a shamanic worldview.  Dalva was mentored by Susanna Aarnio and Johannes Setälä, who recognised her as having an extraordinary personal gift in shamanic healing.  

Dalva is a degree student at the University of Eastern Finland at Joensuu studying folklore, and is currently on a study leave in Iceland.

In the following video, Dalva talks in Canada with Albert Dumont, an Algonquin elder.

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